Your go-to Armenian cultural list! An antidote to viral isolation...
March 29, 2020
These are trying times: The world is being overrun by an insidiously contagious virus, schools and businesses have shuttered, and people all across the world are physically locked-in and virtually logged-on.
Since the advent of the internet, many have posited whether the invention can bring us closer or drift us further apart. For the time being, our “real” world has been suspended and moved to a “virtual” reality. It is perhaps the biggest migration in the shortest span of time in history. If this crisis has taught us anything, it’s that we all need connection, community, and comfort.
One of the heartwarming sides of the COVID-19 pandemic has been an explosion of all three C’s—whether it’s neighbors singing songs from their balconies, museums posting exhibitions online for free, or musicians livestreaming their concerts.
Art is the antidote...
Who we are
As Armenians, we are familiar with the concept of distance. For the past century, our people have been dispersed on every corner of the globe. Our platform, h-pem, was born on the internet, and endeavors to engage Armenians worldwide to interact, share, learn, and discuss Armenian art and culture.
While the avenues for disconnection, disengagement, and discord exist on the interweb—just as they do in the “real” world—we seek to shine a light on the beauty.
That is why we felt it important to add another “c” to the mix: Culture.
Before you get started: Culture with a capital C
Over the past few days, our team assembled this extensive (but by no means comprehensive) list of ways to pass the time in isolation. From folk songs to fresh bands, podcasts to painters, films to photographers, and everything between—this is your go-to resource for all things Armenian art and culture.
Like our platform, we spotlight both established, as well as budding, creatives. In this list, you will find “the elite of the elite”—those who have changed the face of cinema (Parajanov), founded an art movement (Gorky), and entertained generations with their fairy tales (Tumanian)—to up-and-coming talents, full of passion and skill but in need of a stage. At h-pem, (“pem” meaning “stage” in Western Armenian), we hope that this free-and-available-to-all guide will do just that!
Be well, stay home, and #IsolateWithHPem!
Did we miss something? Let us know! Send us your suggestion(s) at [email protected], with the subject line "#IsolateWithHPem List."
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